International Federation of Dog Puller launched an international rating and added three countries

The International Federation of Dog Puller has launched the international Dog Puller Rating — the unified set of scoring rules that will allow sportspeople from all over the world to compete with each other beyond borders.

“The International Dog Puller Rating is the unified scoring system that defines Dog Puller winners internationally. This rating will allow sportspeople from different countries to compete with each other, get inspired and challenged by others and therefore improve their results”, — said the President of the International Federation of Dog Puller, Varvara Petrenko.

The national federations of Ukraine and the Czech Republic have already published their ratings according to unified scoring rules.

Congratulations to Israel, Slovakia, and Slovenia! Dog Puller Federations have opened in these countries.  Fourteen referees have already been certified on the first online certification. We all wait for the new teams at the World Dog Puller Championship!